The Fastest Ever Alphabetical Shorthand
Hi, I'm Janet. I am a qualified Shorthand teacher. This website is about Keyscript Shorthand, an alphabetical shorthand which I have created. With Keyscript, there are no signs or symbols to learn as Keyscript uses only the ordinary lower case letters of the alphabet. It is 2½ times faster to write than English longhand and can be either typed or handwritten.
I have another website, https://keyscriptshorthand.com/ where there are two Keyscript Course manuals available for purchase: the “Lightning Guide to Keyscript”, for beginners, & the “Advanced Guide to Keyscript”. These Courses are very comprehensive with theory, exercises, answers, and even a unique speed chart for speed building. At the end of both manuals, there is an index of all the examples used.
On this website here, I hope to expand on the information given in https://keyscriptshorthand.com/
Comparison of Keyscript with other Alphabetical Shorthand Systems
I have often boasted that Keyscript is the fastest fully alphabetical shorthand. Well, let us see and compare. The number of characters is given (in brackets) after each passage.
Dear Sir: In reply to your request of March 5, several of our sales catalogues are being shipped to you, under separate cover. Thank you for your interest in our organization. We appreciate your help. If we can be of further service, let us know. Sincerely, (212)
ds n rpli t y rqst o mr 5, svrl o r sals ctlgs r bg spd t u, u sprt cvr. t u f y ntrst n r org. w aprsat y hlp. f w c b o frtr srvc, lt u n. s (98)
drsr n ri tr rqz vmrc 5 sv v l sls kegs l bg ji tu xr wpt kq. hu qr nez nl lgc. wijt r lp. fwkb vfrh srvs csn. swrl (84)
The number of associates signed up for this program has considerably exceeded our expectations. Although this training was targeted for secretaries, associates with a wide variety of job titles have registered. (180)
H numbr o assts signd up fr ths pgram hs csidy excd ou xpechs. Alt ths traig was targd fr secrs, assts wth a wde vary o jb tlts hv rgisd. (107)
h nbv jjts syx p qe iam s cwdi kse l kspks. uh e eng z trge q ykrs jjts c a wd vrt vjb tes v rjo. (70)
You will be pleased with the benefit you receive from using this easy system of typing and writing quickly. (89)
uwlb plzd wth th bnfit u rzv frm uzg ths ezy sstm f typg nd wrtg qkly. (54)
ulb iz cbnc ursv m ysg e j szm vtpg a rtg kkl. (34)
Time Management
It has been said that each of us has the same amount of time available. This is true, but some people get their work accomplished with time to spare while others do not. (151)
lm mgl
l h b sd tl eC o us h t sam aml o lm av. ts s lru, bl sm pep gl te wk acmplSd w lm l spr wil otrs d nl. (76)
tm mnjx
tsn sd i c v s ssm mx vtm vli. es e e sm pi t o wo kiu c tm tspr wl cs dx. (56)
Pay the bill. Let me have a cheque for the bill. May I see the book? The new book is big. I can judge the value of the book if you fetch it. The book is new and I can get it for you. (139)
pa . bl\ ll me v a ck f . bl\ ma i se . bk? . nu bk s bg\ i k jj . vlu v . bk if u fc l\ . bk s nu & i k gl l f u\ (71)
pbl. cmv a ck qbl. my sbk, h nu bk s bg. yk jjvlu v bk fu fct. h bk s nu ayk tt qu. (59)
NOTE: Speedwriting seems to be mainly a handwritten shorthand. The 't' is not crossed, hence its representation, here, by 'l'. Nor is the 'i' dotted, though of course when typing it, I had no choice.
T-SCRIPT (Keyboard Version)
This is a new approach to writing shorthand. A multi-level method designed for different user needs, but using a common core of abbreviation rules. One level for the professional shorthand writer and another, Alpha-level, for occasional note-taking at meetings and in classes. The Keyboard version can be typed on a standard computer keyboard. This is a simple and versatile method for the twenty-first century. (348)
ts s a nu aprj t rtg zothd. a m-lvl mtd dsnd f dfrn usr nds, b usg a cmn co o abrvz rls. 1 lvl f e prfzl zothd rtr a antr, alflvl=, f oczl notkg a mtgs a n clss. e kebod= vez c b tpd on a stndrd cptr kebod. ts s a smpl a vestl mtd f e 21st sn. (180)
es a nu ic trtg xjhx. a cmlq mhd dsx q dqx yw nds e ysg a cn kr v bvc rls. wn lq qifcl xjhx re anh lflq q kcl x tkg t ygs an ao. h kxb vrc kb ti o a znepue kxb. es a smi a vrstl mhd q21e sxr. (138)
(Please note that the information given here relates to T-Script.)
Thank you also for the information which you have kindly given to my mother tonight. It will be better for mother, of course, if she does not go back to your place there until Saturday. (151)
Gra v ai f l if qu v h gui da a ji mer cdex. T r e su f mer na x sh n go ba a vi ep iro bev D7. (63)
hu uj qnfc cuv kxl g tm mh tnt. tlb be q mh vkrs fjdsx g bk tr is o xl wtd. (54)
NOTE: Dutton SpeedWords works both as a shorthand system and as an international auxiliary language.
Man is, by nature, an active being. He is made to labor. His whole organization, mental and physical, is that of a hard-working being. Of his mental powers we have no conception, but as certain capacities of intellectual action. His corporeal faculties are contrived for the same end, with astonishing variety of adaptation. Who can look only at the muscles of the hand, and doubt that man was made to work? Who can be conscious of judgment, memory, and reflection, and doubt that man was made to act? (414)
Man s, b ntr, a actv bng. H s mde t labr. S whole orgnztn,. mntl & phscl, s tt v a hrd-wrkng bng. V s mntl powrs w h n cncptn- bt z crtn cpcts v intllctl actn. S corprl faclts r cntrvd f e sme end, w astnshng vrty v adpttn. W- c look only -t e muscles v e hnd, & dbt tl man w mde t wrk? W- c b cnscious v jdgmnt, mmry, & rflctn, & dbt tt man w mde t act? (267)
mn s b ne a av bg. is y tli. s l lgc mne a fsa s i v a xh wog bg. vs mne prs wv nspc e s xsn kpsts v neal kjn. s krprl fats leq qsm x c enjg vrt v dptc. h k lk nl tmsls v hx a ew i mn z y two, h kbjj vjjx mmr a rqkc a ew i mn z y t a, (161)
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.
Even though we save money on food, we are constantly spending over our heads.
Give everyone in the house a bag of candy, some cookies, and a small cup of ice cream.
Let's have dinner this evening at 6.00. (220)
nou is the tim for al good men to kum to the ad ov thar kuntre.
even\ we sav mune on food, we ar konstantle spend- o our hedz.
giv e in the hous a bag of kande, sum kookez, an a smol kup of iskrem.
les hav diner this even- at 6. (176)
w stm q u a mn tc td vo kxr.
vn hwsv mn o fd wlzxl spxg uql hds.
g qwn nhs a bg vknd sm kks a a sml kp v yjam.
csv dx e vnn t sks. (92)
The ladder below shows the percentage saving in writing over longhand of the above alphabetical shorthand systems plus Keyscript, based on the samples. The percentage saving for Keyscript was calculated using all samples.
61 Keyscript
58 Dutton
54 Personal
50 SuperWrite
49 Speedwriting
48 T-Script
41 Easyscript
39 Agiliwriting
36 Brief Longhand
20 Quickhand
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It's amazing! Thank you so much for all your hard work. You must be a true genius to have come up with this system!
Ben Greer, Canada
As you can see, I am already trying your system and have high
hopes of its application in my life!
Leonard Vaughen, USA
I did manage to get through the first lesson and used the
techniques when I went to a 3 day conference in Sydney during
late July. It was invaluable. No way I could have taken sufficient
notes the old way.
Patrick Ernst, Australia
I find it an exciting journey and you have some very good ideas.
John Barker, Germany
Thank you for the brilliant system,
Will Inglis, USA
I also feel now that, now that I see how amazingly your system
mimics Pitman, that I could or should finally learn Pitman too.
Perhaps at the same time.
Mikhail Kuznetsov, Russia
Thank you for your prompt attention to my purchase.
I've only had a chance to skim a chapter or two but I'm already
greatly impressed with the elegance and brilliance of your system.
I'm excited!
Mo Abdelbaki, USA
THANKS Janet! Keyscript has really made taking notes in med school
SO much easier ... OK, a LOT less painful.
-- Becky (USA)
I have been studying your system. The notes are beautifully prepared
and it all seems something of a logical masterpiece. I have never effectively
studied a language - studying Keyscript is making feel like applying myself
one of these days - want to complete the Lightning Guide first though.
C. Gray, London U.K.
As for the Keyscript method I found it to be very interesting and fast enough
to compete with any of the symbol based shorthand systems in practice and
that too within a very short period of time, comparatively.
Adnan, Pakistan
By the way, out of all the Speedwriting courses, yours was the easiest to get information about and to order from.
Fran G. USA
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Origins of Keyscript
I have always been interested in reading text other than ordinary English. I have learnt several other languages, including Latin and Esperanto. I enjoyed reading literature written in Pitman Shorthand, that is, novels and short stories rather than just business matter. But there were so few of them, that I hated to finish one, knowing that there was so little more to read.
One of the reasons why there was not much literature in Shorthand was, I knew, because the many and varied symbols of Shorthand had either to be meticulously and expertly hand-written or printed using a specialised printing press. I wondered how this problem could be overcome. I visualised a computer programmer programming all the signs in Pitman Shorthand into a computer so that they could be typed on a keyboard.
What ultimately emerged, of course, was opposite to this, the shorthand adapting itself to suit a standard keyboard. It began more by accident than design when I started to write a kind of phonetic script for a shorthand course which I was writing.
With Keyscript, I no longer needed my computer programmer, since Keyscript can be typed using an ordinary keyboard. It can also be handwritten quickly because we already know the letters of the alphabet and write them automatically, and because 60% of the writing is saved with Keyscript. The name of the system was chosen to reflect its usefulness as either typed or written shorthand.
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Advantages of Keyscript Shorthand
Keyscript saves 60% or more of the writing over longhand.
Keyscript does not use capital letters. There is never the need to use the shift key.
Keyscript spelling is phonetic and regular. We do not have to worry about the vagaries of English spelling while taking dictation.
Keyscript uses regular phrasing, which reduces the number of spaces between words.
Keyscript uses less punctuation than longhand.
Keyscript saves more of the writing than the other alphabetical shorthands.
Keyscript uses only the lower case letters of the alphabet. There is no need to use the Shift Key if typing.
Keyscript does not use any keyboard signs such as \ - & =.
Keyscript uses phrasing, or joining of words together, based on meaning. This makes Keyscript both quicker to write and easier to read. Most other alpha systems do not use phrasing at all.
In Keyscript, we normally write the whole word (in abbreviated form, according to the rules) compared with some systems which leave out random letters. The spelling of a word is fixed in Keyscript. These characteristics also greatly aid reading.
There is no limit on the number of words which can be abbreviated, as in some systems.
Keyscript is based on the English language (compared with Dutton Speedwords).
Keyscript uses limited punctuation, only full stop (or period) . & comma , which is used in place of a question mark.
Keyscript does not need any special type of writing instrument or even lined paper.
Keyscript can also be typed on a keyboard.
There are no symbols or modified forms of letters to learn. Almost everyone already knows how to write the letters of the English alphabet.
There is no position writing, thick and thin letters, or different size letters.
Because ordinary lower case letters always make good joins with each other, there is no need to write down the page or cope with awkward joinings.
Since ordinary letters are used in Keyscript, they are easier to read than written strokes which may not always be the right length, have the required amount of shading (thinness or thickness) or correct angle of slope.
In Keyscript, words are not joined together just because they are easy to join or left unjoined because they are hard to join, as in Pitman. There is no need to modify letters to make them join better. So joining can be freed up to echo the natural rhythm of the English language, hence to show meaning.
Keyscript takes all the fussy bits out of Pitman Shorthand and still leaves it readable. For example, the endings of different words which in Pitman would all be written slightly differently, employing either thick or thin strokes, ordinary length or halved strokes and different types of hooks can all be shown with one letter, provided that the rules of Keyscript are observed.
Keyscript regularises Pitman. No spelling is randomly modified just to make it shorter. Instead, the spelling conforms to the rules of Keyscript, which are themselves all designed to make words as short and as readable as possible.
(Please note that I respectfully acknowledge the inventors, their creative work, insight and expertise which has gone into producing all systems of shorthand and speedwriting. I do not intend to denigrate any system.)
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How does Keyscript work?
Keyscript employs only the ordinary lower case letters of the alphabet. The letters are not shortened or modified in any way.
Basically, the vowels in a word are omitted, leaving only the consonants.
The consonants are written phonetically, e.g. 'ph' is written as 'f'. All consonant sounds are written with one letter: 'ch', 'sh' & 'th' are 'c', 'j' & 'h' respectively.
The vowels, and the least common English consonants in the alphabet are used as 'indicators'. An indicator shows a combination of consonants which occur frequently in English. For example, in the word 'people', 'pl' is represented by the vowel 'i'. So 'people' becomes 'pi'. Combinations of various consonants with 't' 'd' 'l' 'r' & 's' are shown using indicators.
Common prefixes and suffixes are represented by one letter, e.g. 'self-' or '-self' is 's'.
There is a list of about 80 very common words that are written somewhat outside the rules of Keyscript so that they may:
1. be written with only one letter and
2. not be able to be confused with each other in context, for example, 'he' is 'i' to distinguish it from 'they' which is 'h'.
Some other common words are contracted but are spelled with more than one letter, e.g. 'important' is 'mp'.
Where the spelling of two words in Keyscript would be the same, and they could be mistaken in context, one of these is written not quite according to rule, for example, 'amuse' is written as 'mus' to distinguish it from 'amaze', which is 'ms'.
Keyscript joins words together according to definite rules based on the natural flow of the English language, so 'I am' is 'ym'.
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The Grammar of English
1. ARTICLES: Definite: the Indefinite: a (becomes 'an' before a noun starting with a vowel sound)
2. NOUNS are the names of things: man, book, wind, crowd, happiness, America, Tuesday
Common nouns are the names of ordinary things: man, table, wind
Proper nouns are those things that always have a capital letter:
America, Tuesday, June
Collective nouns are the names of groups of things: crowd, flock, herd
Abstract nouns are the names of intangible things: happiness, bravery, kindness
3. PRONOUNS are words that are used instead of nouns:
Personal: I, me, we, us, you, he, him, she, her, it.
Possessive: mine, ours, yours, his, hers, its. The book is yours (your book)
Demonstrative: this, that, these, those. That (that thing) is good
Relative: who, whom, which, (that). The man, who (he) lived there, was nice.
Interrogative: who, what, which, when, where, how, why.
What (thing) do you want? Where (at what place) are you?
Why (for what reason) are you there? I don't know how (in what manner) you do it.
4. ADJECTIVES describe, or modify nouns: big, beautiful, crazy, green, soft, good
Adjectives can have degrees:
positive: big, good, beautiful
comparative: bigger, better, more beautiful
superlative: biggest, best, most beautiful
PRONOMINAL (pronoun) adjectives:
Personal: my, our, your, his, her, its, their it is their wish
Demonstrative: this, that, these, those this book, those dogs
Relative: whose, which, what at whose house, on which day
5. VERBS are 'doing' 'having' or 'being' words: be, do, say, have, run, wash,
Verbs have tenses (or times)
Present tense: I do, he does
Past tense: I did, he did
Future tense: I will do, he will do
Verbs also have two participles, present and past
Present participle: doing (I am doing, I was doing)
Past participle: done (I have done, I had done)
As can be seen, these participles are used in compound tenses of the verb.
Verbs can be finite or infinite. These are generally the same verb & depend on how a verb is used in a particular context.
A finite verb has a subject: I love you
An infinite verb does not have a subject (and often has the word 'to' in front of it):
I want to love you; I can love you
Verbs can be transitive or intransitive. These are generally different verbs.
A transitive verb has a direct object:
I love you, he is fixing the car, she makes money
An intransitive verb does not have a direct object:
I went to town, you sat in the seat.
In these examples, 'town' and 'seat' are indirect objects.
The verb 'to be' does not have a direct object: I am a teacher ('teacher' is the subject of 'am', not the object)
Verbs can be active or passive:
I did the gardening (active)
The gardening was done by me (passive)
Modal verbs: These are verbs which are used with other verbs to modify the verb:
I should, might, may, would take the dog for a walk
6. ADVERBS describe, or modify verbs: quickly, thoroughly, nicely
She did it thoroughly, you speak beautifully
They also modify adjectives: She is very pretty, it was extraordinarily good
Or other adverbs: He speaks extremely highly of you
Adverbial phrases are simply adverbs which are expressed in more than one word.
Compare: I travelled slowly (adverb)
& I travelled on the bus (adverbial phrase)
7. CONJUNCTIONS join sentences (or ‘clauses’) together. There are two types:
Coordinating Conjunctions join sentences of equal weight:
We are having lunch in town and going to the pictures
I know her but not him
Subordinate Conjunctions join sentences of unequal weight:
We are going to town if it is not raining
I got wet because I didn't have an umbrella
In the resulting sentence, the clause that starts with the subordinate conjunction is the subordinate clause, the other is the main clause.
8. A PREPOSITION is a word which comes before a noun or pronoun and shows the position of some other word in the sentence:
John is on the beach, Mary is in the house, The kids are at the movies.
9. More about SUBJECTS and OBJECTS of a verb.
Look at these sentences:
John loves Mary.
Mary loves John.
In the first sentence, John is the subject of the verb & Mary is the object.
In the second sentence, Mary is the subject of the verb & John is the object.
Notice that the nouns, John & Mary, stay the same, whether they are the subject or the object of the verb.
Pronouns, however, do often change according to whether they are the subject or object of a verb:
If we replace the two sentences above with pronouns, they become:
He loves her.
She loves him.
Here is a list of pronouns:
Subject Pronouns Object Pronouns
I me
you you
he him
she her
it it
we us
they them
A mistake is often made when both a noun and a pronoun are the subject or object of a verb, as in:
My husband and I saw the film.
The man visited my husband and me (NOT my husband and I)
10. MODIFIERS. A modifier is like an adjective, it describes someone or something or what they do. It often comes at the beginning of a sentence.
Walking down the street, the building came into sight. X Incorrect
Walking down the street, I caught sight of the building. Correct
Here ‘Walking down the street’ is the modifier. It describes what someone was doing, and that someone is I.
The sentence could be changed to:
While I was walking down the street, the building came into sight.
Here ‘I’ is the subject of the subordinate clause & ‘the building’ is the subject of the main clause of the sentence.
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700 Common Words Exercises
("The 700 common words recur with 80% frequency in all continuous English"
This edition of 700 Common Word Exercises has no date, but I can safely say it was written, or at least some of it was written, around the late 1930s, some later. The content is interesting and well written and it has already proved to me to be excellent practice for Keyscript revision and consolidation. Some old fashioned sexist language will undoubtedly grate with many people, but just remember that 'man' embraces woman. The number in (brackets) is, of course, the number of characters in the section (passage).
I am dividing each passage into quarters, with the bolded capitalised word denoting the end of a quarter. The word that is also underlined is halfway through the passage. This will enable the passage for dictation, using the unique Speed Chart in the ‘Advanced Guide to Keyscript’. This Speed Chart enables passages of up to 200 words to be dictated at 20 - 150 words per minute in 10 wpm intervals.
As in the Lightning Guide & the Advanced Guide to Keyscript, the length of each quarter is determined not by the number of words in the quarter passage but by the number of Keyscript characters required to write it. Phrasing is also taken into account here.
Exercise No. 1
From the lives of great men we learn many things, much that IS of value to us in our own lives. Not the least important THING, perhaps, which the life of almost any great man teaches US is that we have time to do those things which we most want to do. 52 words (200)
mlvs vat mn wlrn mm ns y is vvlu ts nln lvs. xlj mp n ips clf v umz n at mn tcss s iwv tm td a ns cw mz wx td. (78)
As young people we talk lightly of what we would do if ONLY we had the time; as old people we look back UPON lost opportunities and wish that we had had the time to FOLLOW this course of action, that line of training. 44 words (174)
s yn pi wtk cl vo wod f nl wdtm s uc pi wlk bk pn lz xpts a j iwddtm tfll e krs v kjn i ln veng. (68)
But again and again, as we read the stories of the lives of THOSE who have done great things, of those whose names will be FOREVER remembered, the knowledge is forced upon us that our TROUBLE is not that we have too little time but that we have too little desire. 51 words (213)
e ggn swrdzrs v lvs va hvdn at ns va z nms lb qq rmmi h nlj s frz pns i l ei sx iwv t ll tm e iwv t ll dsr. (75)
Our desire to move in a certain direction is not strong enough to influence US to take the necessary steps, to use for that purpose the hours, which ARE being spent in other and possibly less profitable ways. If the desire to ACT and the will to work are there, then we shall find both the time and the opportunity. 60 words (256)
l dsr tmv n a xsn drkc sx on nf t nqws ttknor zps tys qi prps h ls cl bg spx n c a ps ls ifti ws. fdsr t a awl two l o hn wj fx bhtm a xpt. (98)
These thoughts come to the mind upon reading a recently published book in which the writer tells in outline the story of the lives of 15 great MEN. From the many remarkable men who have lived during the past five hundred years the writer has taken those men who, by their thought and by their labor, were able to DISCOVER a great principle, some deep truth about the laws of nature which had not before been known—men who in this way added greatly to the knowledge and LEARNING of the world and so took all men one big step forward in the long march towards a better understanding of the forces which govern our world. 116 words (504)
i ts c t mx pn rdg a rsxl pbu bk ncre tls n tln h zr v lvs v15 at mn. mmm rmr mn hv lq drpz fv hne rs h re s tkn a mn h bo t a bo li r i dskq a at iwi sm dp eh iwls vne cdx bf bn nn mn h ne w e atl t nlj a lrng v wcr a j tk u mn wn bg zp fro nln mrc ot a be xzxg v fro cgv l wcr. (190)
It is not possible to read this book—or indeed any book of THIS nature—without feeling an increased respect for the power of MAN'S mind, an increased respect for his learning, for his CONTINUED attempts to find the truth even when faced with great difficulties. 46 words (218)
tsx ps trd e bk r ne n bk ve ne we flg a nkz rsp qpr vmw mx a nkz rsp qs lrng qstnd tys tfxeh vn c fz c at dfs. (79)
The life of each of these men, it need hardly be said, differs in detail. Some of them showed themselves even AS children to have reasoning powers beyond what we regard as usual; others were just simple children SHOWING no special powers of any kind during their early years. Some were “one idea” men, working only in THEIR special field; others developed remarkable minds and became better than most men in most fields of learning. 75 words (358)
h lf v c vi mn t nd xhl b sd dqs n dtl. smvh jdho vn s clen hv rsng prs byxo wrxg s zu cs r jz smi clen jg n spu prs v n kx dro rll rs. sm r wn yd mn wog nl no spu cf cs dvli rmri my a bkm ben mz mn n mz of vlrng. (150)
But common to them all was the power to work for very long hours, hours spent in deep thought, IN careful planning, in the perfecting of ideas, and the putting of results together piece by PIECE to make the whole—a whole which was to surprise the world. Most of them lived to an old AGE, few dying before reaching 70 years of age and several living to be over 80. 71 words (294)
e cn th u zpr two q v ln ls ls spx n dp t n krf ing nprfag v yds apg vros tgh pps tmkl. a l cz tsiswcr. mz vh lq t a uc j fu dg bf rcg 70 rs v j a sv lvg tb uq 80. (113)
Naturally, the thought must come: “Was there any connection between these two facts? Did these men work beyond the POWERS of common people because they were strong in body beyond the common person? Or did they owe their LONG lives to the fact that they lived principally for their ideas, paying little attention to the many PLEASURES which interest the masses, caring little for food and drink or for the company of other men and women?” 76 words (362)
nel h t mz c zo nkc iwn i t fas, e i mn wo byxprs vcn pi kshr on n bd byxcn prs, r eh u o ln lvs t fa ihlq iwi qo yds pg ll tnc t mm ius cnezmo krg ll q fd a enk r q pn v c mn a wmn, (126)
It is difficult to attempt an answer. We cannot be certain. But long as was the life of the man HIMSELF, it was short when measured by the life of his work. That work has influenced the thoughts and the actions of many MEN for many years. It will continue to influence man’s thought and man’s action as long as man is A thinking being, using the knowledge of the past to increase in the present his control over natural forces. 81 words (347)
ts dfa t ty a nw. wkxb xsn. e ln s zlf v mn is tz xj c mu blf vs wo. i wo s nqyts a kjw vmm mn q mm rs. tltnu t nqw mw t a mw kjn slns mn s a hg bg ysgnlj v pz t nks nisx s cel uq nel fro. (131)
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Exercise No. 2
The life story of the great man must end on the same note as the life story of the least important of men. We must come in our reading to the point where the great MAN gives up his work, leaving it to others to carry on what he has begun. His life with all its wonderful interest is past, and we who read are LEFT with the memory of his life and with the results of his work. We know that this must be so, but we do not always like a thing better because we know that it is CERTAINLY waiting for us, and it is not surprising to find that there are people who can take no pleasure in this form of reading because they know from the outset what the end must be. 137 words (523)
h lf zr v at mn mz x osm x slf zr v lj mp vmn. wmz c nl rdg t px wrat mn gs p s wo lvgt t cs tkr o o is bgn. s lf c u ts wnh nez s pz a w hrd l lc cmmr vs lf a cros vs wo. wn iemzb j e wdx uws lk a n be kswn its xsnl og qs atsx sisg tfx iol pi hk tk n iu nef vrdg kshn mtst ox mzb. (195)
It is, however, no more profitable to run away, to turn our face from facts, in reading than it IS in life itself, and it is better to take the wider view and to read for the pleasure and the profit to be FOUND in the consideration of the whole life, with its many difficulties and its many successes. In this way we can FIND both comfort and help for ourselves, whose lives may seem without set purpose, to have little value. 82 words (345)
ts wq n mr ifti trn y ttrn l fs m fas n rdg hnts n lf ts ats be ttkwh vu a trd qiu aift tb fx n wdc vl lf cts mm dfs ats mm skos. ne w wk fx bhq a lp qlo z lvs m sm we st prps hv ll vlu. (131)
We discover perhaps that some person whose name has been to us like a great white light, far away, beyond our touch—that person met in his early days with many of the SAME difficulties which we are facing now, that he, like us, had no special advantages, no clearly marked course to follow; like us he had to make his own way, step by step, LEARNING as he went. We find, for example, that one man who became world known began his working life as a teacher, helping his brother in a small country SCHOOL. Another worked on a farm, and a third made his first special observation while holding a small and not important position on a ship, which was making its way to the South Seas. 129 words (553)
wdskq ips i sm prs z nm sn ts lk a at oy c fr y byxl tc i prs y ns rll ds c mm v sm dfs cwl fsg w ii lks d n spu dvs n arl mra krs tfll lks id tmk sn w zzp lrng siwx. wfx qgs i wn mn hbkm wcr nn bgn s wog lf s a tu lpg s ih n a sml kxr sa. nh wo o a frm a a xh y s z spu bwvc wl chg a sml a x mp psc o a jp cz mkg ts w t sh ss. (223)
But these men did not wait for opportunity to come to them; they took immediate advantage of their conditions to make their own opportunity. In the BOOK which we have especially in mind we find that in most cases the man’s work was valued during his lifetime. But the WORLD is not always ready to take new ideas warmly to its heart. In every age there are those who feel certain that there IS nothing left for man to discover; there are others who see in the new idea a danger to their own special interests. 96 words (413)
e i mn ex o q xpt tc th htk mdt dv vo cdo tmk on xpt. nbk cwv jpu n mx wfx i n mz ko h mw wo z vlud dro lcm. ewcr sx uws rd ttk nu yds wrml t ts xh. n q j ol a hfl xsn ios nhn lc q mn tdskq ol cs hs nnu yd a dnu ton spu nee. (157)
It is not always easy to look at something new with clear eyes, to judge truly the value either of our own work or the work of others. We find ourselves THINKING that because a thing has always been done in such and such a way in the past then that must be the best possible way for it to be done, or because a certain thing has not been done BEFORE then it should not be done now. We have to keep a careful watch upon ourselves in this respect, and try to keep an open mind. If we try new methods in our OWN work we shall sometimes be wrong, possibly we shall often be wrong, but sometimes we shall meet with success which makes worth while all our earlier labours. 133 words (534)
tsx uws j tlk t smn nu c ar yj tjj el h vlu yhr v ln wo rwo v cs. wfxlo hg i ks a n s uwsn dn n ssc a w npz hn imzbbz ps w qt tb dn r ks a xsn n sxn dn bf hn tixb dn w. wv tkp a krf wc pnlo ne rsp a e tkp a pn mx. fwe nu mhds nln wo wj syms b rn ps wj fn b rn e syms wj y c sko cmks wrh wl u l rllr lis. (209)
Probably no more than one or two men out of all the millions living today can hope to do something so important that it will influence world THOUGHT and world action throughout the ages to come, but the methods which have served the great men of any age and helped them in their great work have VALUE for us today in our less important work. By marking the course taken by those who have been successful in their special fields we CAN learn better how to deal with our own situation, our own difficulties, in the field of thought and of action in which we are ourselves most interested. 109 words (478)
ib n mrn wnt mn tv umlw lvg td k up td smn j mp itl nqw wcr t a wcr kjn etjs tc emhds cv srqat mn v n j a lih no at wo v vlu qs td nl ls mp wo. b mrkgkrs tkn ba hvn skof no spu of wk lrn be w tdl cln stc ln dfs ncf vt av kjn nc wl lo mz nese. (172)
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Exercise No. 3
Time plays an important part in every action of every person throughout the day, yet Time is something about which we know VERY little and about which we understand even less. If, in our desire to understand a little better the real MEANING of Time, we read a modern book on the subject, it is probably the experience of many of us that we understand IT even less at the end of our reading than at the beginning—that we know, indeed, very little about the world in which we live. 91 words (390)
tm is a mp xp n q kjn v q prs etd o tm s smn iwc wn v ll aiwc wxzx vn ls. f nl dsr t xzx a ll be h rl mng vtm wrd a mhn bk osb ts ibksprw vmm v s iwxzxt vn ls tx v l rdg hn t gn iwn ne v ll iwwcr nc wlv. (141)
We read, for example, that everything that has been still is, that everything which is to come in the future already exists. We read that the events, which make up life, are like the STATIONS along the railway line. A train is running along that line towards one of these stations. It reaches the station, it perhaps waits there for a very little while, and THEN it passes on, leaving the station behind it. But the station existed before the train reached it and it continues to exist after the train has left it. In the same way, it is SAID, the things which happen in our life are there all the time, waiting for us to reach them. We reach them and experience them and pass on, leaving them behind us. 132 words (573)
wrd qgs i qn isn zl s i qn cs tc nfue urd gse. wrd ivy cmk p lf l lkzo lnrlw ln. a en s rng ln i ln ot wnvi zo. trcszc t ips os o q a v ll wl a hn tpo o lvgzc bhxt. ezc goe bfen rut attns t got feen s lct. nsm w ts sd h ns chpn nl lf l o utm og qs trch. wrch aksprwh a ps o lvgh bhxs. (204)
According to the writers of these modern books, these events existed before we knew of them and will continue to exist when we OURSELVES are no more. They will exist, in fact, for as long as anything as we understand it exists. We read these STATEMENTS and think carefully about them, and at first it seems that the statements cannot be true, that we cannot seriously be expected to believe THEM. Then, perhaps, we remember some of the things we were told as children and which we have always believed to be true. 93 words (421)
xkres vi mhn bks i vy goe bfwnu vh a ltnu t got cw lo l nmr. hl got nfa q slns nn swxzxt gse. wrd i zty a h krf iwh atz tsms izty kxb e iwkx srjl b ksp tblh. hn ips wrmb smv ns wr ct s clen a cwv uws bl tb e. (152)
As children we learned that many of the little points of light which appeared above us at night are REALLY great bodies, which are millions of miles away from the earth. Light, we were told, moves at the RATE of about 186,000 miles a second, but so far distant are these bodies from us that the LIGHT which we see coming from them is the light which left them thousands, and in some cases millions, of years ago. 78 words (335)
s clen wlrx i mm v ll py vc cxp bvs t xy l rl at bds cl mlw vmls y mrh. c wr ct mvs trt v iw 186h mls a skx e j fr dzx li bds ms ic cws cg mh sc clch hsy an sm ko mlw vrs g. (121)
Because of this fact, we learned, if we could discover some method by which our eyes could see what was happening ON one of these distant bodies, we should see not what is happening today but what was happening ages and ages ago. If PEOPLE something like ourselves lived on those little points of light and if they could see what was happening on our earth, they, looking at US today, would see not what is happening now but what happened thousands or millions of years ago, according to the distance they are away. 94 words (422)
ks ve fa wlrx fwa dskq sm mhd bc l yj a s oz hpng o wn vi dzx bds wi s x os hpng td e oz hpng jjs g. f pi smn lklo lq oa ll py vc afhas oz hpng ol rh h lkg ts td o s x os hpng w e o hpx hsy r mlw vrs g xkdzw hl y. (148)
But even when we remember these facts it is for most of us difficult to get more than the SMALLEST suggestion of an idea of what is meant when we are told that everything that has been still is and ALWAYS will be. It is difficult to believe that there will always be somewhere the picture of you as you SIT reading these words. If we think of sound it helps us to understand this point a little better. 79 words (324)
e vn cwrmb i fas ts q mz v s dfa tt mrnsmlz sjzn v a yd vos mx cwl ct i qn isn zl s auws lb. ts dfa tbl iol uwsb smwr h pke vu sust rdg i ow. fwh vsx tlpss t xzx e px a ll be. (125)
We see a movement very much more quickly than we hear the sound resulting from that movement, for sound comes to us at only 1,100 feet A second as against the 186,000 miles a second of light. Let us say that I live half a mile from a big manufacturing plant, so that the SOUNDS which come to me from the plant reach me about two and a half seconds after the sounds were in fact made. Let us say also that you live another half A mile down the road, away from the plant. You would hear the same sounds two and a half seconds after I heard them, that is five seconds after they were made. 118 words (469)
ws a mvx vy mr kkl hnwrsx rqsg mi mvx q sx cs t s t nl 11n q a skx s gy186 mls a skx vc. cs z iylv hf a ml m a bg mnfg ix jisy cc tm mix rcm iw t a a hf sky fesy r nfa y. cs z uj iulv nh hf a ml dnrd y mix. uo rsm sy t a a hf sky feyxhh is fv sky fehr y. (177)
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Exercise No. 4
You would therefore make the statement that a certain sound took place at, say, five seconds past the hour, I would say that it happened at ABOUT two or three seconds past the hour, while the people at the works would say that it took place just at the hour. So that when we say that a certain THING happened at a certain time we really mean that it happened at that time in relation to our own position at that moment. The RELATION of time to distance and the relation of immediate time to time as a whole are subjects in which people grow more and more interested. 109 words (458)
uo ofr mkztx i a xsn sx tk is t z fv sky pzl yo z ithpx t iw t r e sky pzl wlpi twos o z ittk is jz tl. j i cwz i a xsn n hpx t a xsn tm w rl mn ithpx ti tm n rlc t ln psc ti mmx. h rlc vtm tdzw arlc v mdt tm ttm s a l l sbs nc pi au mmr nese. (168)
Recently two plays have been written round the idea that everything that has happened in the past is still in existence, the POINT made by the plays being that a person who has a certain special sense highly developed can go back into the PAST and experience old and past events. But interesting as these ideas may be, there is another and much more USUAL point of view from which to consider time. For all the general purposes of everyday life we all understand time quite well. 87 words (393)
rsxl t is vn xn rxyd i qn is hpx npz s zl n gotw h px y bis bg i a prs hs a xsn spu sw hyl dvli k g bk ntpz aksprw uc a pz vy. e nezg s i yds mb os nh a ymr zu px vvu mc tcwd tm. q ujn prpo v qd lf w u xzx tm k wl. (148)
We know that each day is made up of 24 hours, that there are never 23 hours to the day and never 25. We know that the little HANDS marking the passing of the minutes and hours move on and on at their even rate, and that although they work in our SERVICE, they work without any regard to our personal and special interests. They will work no more quickly when life is taking US towards some especially pleasing event, and they will not lessen their rate when we are moving towards something less pleasing. 95 words (410)
wn i c d s y p v24 ls iol nq 23 ls t d a nq 25. wn ill hy mrkgpsg v mnts als mv o ao to vn rt a i uhhwo nl srvs hwo we n rxg t l prs a spu nee. hl wo nmr kkl c lf s tkgs ot sm jpu isg vx a hlx lsn o rt cwl mvg ot smn ls isg. (155)
We know that time influences us in the doing of every piece of work, for all work, to have its highest value, has to be “DONE to time.” The Chief who calls the members of the Board together for a certain time must be ready when the Board meets, with the FACTS, figures, or questions, which he wishes to put to the members. He depends not only upon his own work in this connection but upon the WORK of all directly working with him, from the most experienced man in his employ to the most recent of the office-boys. 99 words (416)
wn i tm nqas ndg v q ps vwo q u wo hv ts hyz vlu s tb dn ttm. h cf hklsmbs v xb tgh q a xsn tm mzb rd cxb ys cfas fgs r kzw cijs tp t mbs. idpy x nl pnsn wo nekc e pnwo v u dral wog ci mmz kspry mn ns mi t mz rsx vfs bs. (156)
The motor manufacturer must so organize the year’s work of all his men that he not only supplies the day-to-day demand of the public for his PRODUCT but also has his new goods quite ready for the market at the expected time. The manufacturer, whatever his product may be, must supply present DEMAND and at the same time organize future work. Goods made for shipment overseas must be ready for shipment by the date on which the ship is leaving the COUNTRY. The kind of market in which we are interested makes little difference—goods must be put on the market when the market is ready to receive them. 109 words (492)
h me mnfr mz j lgnrs wo v u s mn ii x nl sisd td dmx v pb qs ida e uj s s nu as k rd qmra tksp tm. h mnfr oq s ida mb mz si isx dmx atsym lgn fue wo. as y q jpx uss mzb rd q jpx bdt ocjp s lvgkxr. h kx vmra nc wl nese mks ll dqw as mzb p omra cmra s rd trsvh. (184)
But the principal difficulty of all planning comes from the fact that we cannot see times. We have perhaps five months in which to do a piece of WORK; there seems to be no need for an immediate start and the papers in connection with it are put on one side. When the papers again see the light of DAY we find possibly that we need information from another person. But to the second man this piece of work is something just received, and he in HIS turn “sits on it” for a little while, only to find when he looks seriously at the work that it requires the attention of a third party. 114 words (469)
eiwi df v u ing cs mfa iwkx s tms. wv ips fvhs nc td a ps vwo osms tb n nd q a mdt xz apps nkc ct l p o wn sd. cpps gn sc vd wfx ps iwnd nfc m nh prs. e t skx mn e ps vwo s smn jz rsq a i ns trn sts ot q a ll wl nl tfx cilks srjl two it rqrstnc v a xh prt. (180)
And valuable days pass until we find that the work is either put through to time as a result of much work and RUNNING about on the part of everyone interested or it is not put through, with resulting loss of money and good WILL. Even when man has done his best, Nature sometimes lets us down, and weather conditions hold up trains, AIRPLANES, and ships, and the “perfect” piece of planning works out less perfectly than we had hoped and expected. 82 words (365)
a vlui ds ps xlwfx iwo s yhr p e ttm qs vy wo a rng iw oxpv qwn nese r tsx p e c rqsg ls vmn a a wl. vn c mn s dn s bz ne syms css dn a whdo ch p ew riw a jps aprfa ps ving wos t ls prfal hnwd hi aksp. (142)
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Exercise No. 5
While we rest peacefully in our beds at night, great machines are at work turning out thousands and sometimes millions of copies of our MORNING newspapers, at the rate of four hundred or more copies a minute. The late hours of the night and the early hours of the morning are times of HARD work for most of those who have any connection with the first general distribution of newspapers. But so regularly does the paper appear on the streets that we usually buy it and read IT through as a matter of course, giving little or no thought to the means used to bring it to us, to the great care and planning and organization behind its daily sale. 120 words (524)
wlwrz psf nl is t xy at mjw l t wo trng t hsy a syms mlw vkps v l mrnn nspps trt vfr hne r mr kps a mnt. h lt ls v xy a rll ls v mrnn l tms vxh wo q mz va hv nkc cz jn dobc vnspps. e j rg dspp pr oyts iw zu bt a rdt e smekrs gg ll r n t t mw yz tint t s t at kr a ing algc bhxts dl sl. (200)
Success in the newspaper world depends in very large measure upon being “on time.” News, which is late, is generally news which has lost its value. Papers which ARE late are generally papers which will not be bought. All good newspaper men will tell us that in their trade there is little truth in the old saying “Better late than never.” All day LONG news and general information reaches the newspaper office. It is sent into the office by road and by railway, by sea and by air, by wire and by hand. Thousands of ADVERTISEMENTS, and hundreds of letters from readers, are received daily, and in addition there are the pictures, which are sent in with the hope that they will appear next day on the “picture” page of the paper. 132 words (596)
sko nnspp wcr dpy n v lrj mu pn bg o tm. nus cs lt s jn nus cs lz ts vlu. pps cl lt l jn pps clxb bt. u a nspp mn l tls i no ed os ll eh nuc zg be lt hn nq. u d ln nus a jn nfc rcsnspp fs. ts sx ntfs b rd a b rlw b s a b r b wr a b hx. hsy v dvts a hnes vles m rhs l rsq dl an dc olpkes cl sx n cup ihl pr nz d opke pj v pp. (224)
Some of the news received is of world-wide importance; some of it has very little value, but all this mass of “copy” must be read through by trained men who can IMMEDIATELY judge its worth, and either put it on one side or give it a place in the paper according to its special value or purpose. Headlines must be CONSIDERERED—the size and the position on the page of the principal and of the secondary headlines. There is the last-minute work—the reports brought in, perhaps, by the men sent OUT to “cover” the big stories of the day: the write-up of a new play put on that evening; the story of a fire which breaks out just before the paper is ready for the machines. 127 words (542)
smv nus rsq s vwcr wd mp smv t s v ll vlu e u e ms vkp mzb rd e b ex mn hk mdtl jj ts wrh ayhr pt o wn sd r gt a is npp xk ts spu vlu r prps. hdlw mzbyd h ss apsc opj v iwi a v skxr hdlw. oslz mnt wo h rop it n ips bmn sx t tkqbg zrs v d h rt p v a nu i p o i vnn h zr v a fr ciks t jz bfpp s rd qmjw. (207)
And what of the life of the newspapermen who are sent out to cover the big stories, the important events, the last-minute happenings? We LIKE to think of them as leading lives very full of interest; we picture them living near to the heart of history, often knowing of some WORLD-important fact long before it is made known to the public. In the case of newspaper writers who are sent out to all parts of the WORLD to report the news of the moment, we may picture them as not only near to the heart of history but even at times helping to make history. 105 words (448)
a o v lf v nsppmn hl sx t tkqbg zrs h mp vy h lz mnt hpngs, wlk th vh s ldg lvs v flv nez wpkeh lvg nr t xh vhwt fn ng vsm wcr mp fa ln bfts y nn t pb. nks vnspp res hl sx t t u op v wcr trxpnus v mmx wm pkeh s x nl nr t xh vhwt e vn t tms lpg tmk hwt. (178)
But the “old hands” at the work tell us that this picture of their lives exists only in the minds of those who have had no CONNECTION with the newspaper world. The truth, they say, is very different. While sometimes they are put on to a story which holds for THEM a personal interest, while always it is necessary for them to work quickly and with care, they are working often UNDER difficult conditions, and generally without coming into direct touch with the great happenings or the great men of the world. 92 words (417)
euc hy two tls i e pke vo lvs gse nl nmy va hvd nkc cnspp wcr. h eh hz s v dqx. wl syms hl p o t a zr coh qh a prs nez wl uws ts nor qh two kkl a c kr hl wog fn xr dfado a jn we cg nt dra tc cat hpngs rat mn v wcr. (151)
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Exercise No. 6
Few of us go through life without having, at some time or another, to speak in public. We may hope very much that such an experience will not fall to our lot; we may even take STEPS sometimes to make sure that such an experience does not happen to us. But, early or late in life, there usually comes a day when we get up in the morning with the KNOWLEDGE that we have that day to stand up and face a number of people while we “say a few words.” Perhaps you can look back now without feeling to the moment when you first had to stand up and SPEAK, to the moment when it seemed to your troubled mind that the eyes of thousands of people were watching you, that thousands of people were waiting to hear your words—and that you had nothing whatever to say. 149 words (605)
fu v s g e lf we vg t sym r nh tsp n pb. wm up vy i sc a ksprw lx fl t l c wm vn tk zps syms tmk jr i sc a ksprw dsx hpn t s. e rll r lt n lf o zu cs a d cwt p n m cnlj iwv i d tzx p a fs a nb vpi wlw z a fu ow. ips uk lk bk w we flg t mmx cu z d tzx p a sp t mmx ctsy tr ei mx iyj vhsy vpi r wcgu i hsy vpi r og tr r ow a iud nhn oq tz. (225)
But perhaps your first experience of public speaking is still before you, an experience to which you look forward with pleasure or with fear according to your nature, an experience possibly which you THINK never could happen to you. But often it is the least likely thing that happens to us as we go through life, and some quite small event may one day force this experience upon YOU. Perhaps your brother is to be married and you are among those “asked to speak”; perhaps it is the end of your school year and you are asked to say a few words of thanks to the teachers; or it may be that you ARE asked to do a little political speaking. You may go to a meeting where your special knowledge makes it possible for you usefully to add something to what has already been said. 146 words (628)
e ips r z ksprw vpb spg s zl bfu a ksprw tc ulkf c iu r c fr xk r ne a ksprw ps cuh nq a hpn tu. e fn tslj lkl n ihpw t s swg e lf a sm k sml vx m wn d frs e ksprw pnu. ips r ih s b mrd a ul mna k tsp ips tsx vr sa r a ul k tz a fu ow vhs t tus r tmb iul k td a ll cpa spg. um g t a yg wr r spu nlj mkst ps qu ysf t d smn tos urdn sd. (228)
But, whatever the events which lead up to your first experience of this KIND, you will naturally wish to do well and to appear at ease. It is therefore WELL worthwhile to give some consideration to this subject, so that when the time COMES you will have no cause to feel anything but pleasure at the thought of what is before you. 62 words (269)
e oqvy cld p tr z ksprw ve kx ul nel j td wl a t pr t j. ts ofr wl wrh wl tg smwdc te sb ji ctm cs ulv n ks tfl nn e iu tt vos bfu. (91)
There are two points of principal importance to remember— the first that you should be able to express your thoughts and ideas in clear language and in a clear VOICE; the second that the thoughts and ideas which you express should be thoughts and ideas in which you have a personal belief. It has been said that words were given to US in order that we might keep to ourselves the real nature of our thoughts. Like many such general statements, this particular saying has some measure of truth in IT, for we all know that words can be, and often are, used in such a way as to express something quite different from the thoughts which are passing through the mind at the time of speaking. 127 words (560)
ol t py viwi mp trmb h z iuibi kwps r ts ayds n ar lnqj an a ar vs h skx its ayds cukwps ib ts ayds nc uv a prs blf. tsn sd i ow r g t s n rh iwy kp t lo h rl ne v l ts. lk mm sc jn zty e xpk zg s sm mu veh nt qw u n i ow kb afn l yz n sc a w s t kwps smn k dqx mts cl psg emx ttm vspg. (196)
But while those who hear us speak may not at once know when we are expressing ideas in which we have little or no belief, it is the case, on the other hand, that they “sense” IT immediately when we are expressing ideas in which we believe, for such belief adds force and power to our words. Therefore, use those thoughts and IDEAS in which you believe. First write down all the different points which you think are worth consideration; out of all these points take those which you think are best for your PURPOSE and put them into order so that your ideas follow one another naturally. From these short notes write out your full talk just as you would like to be able to deliver it. 128 words (555)
e wl a hrs sp mx tww n cwl kwpsg yds nc wv ll r n blf tsks ochx ihswt mdtl cwl kwpsg yds nc wbl q sc blf ds frs a pr t l ow. ofr ys a ts ayds nc ubl. z rt dn udqx py cuh l wrhwdc tv u i py tk a cuh l bz qr prps a ph nt rh ji r yds fll wn nh nel. mi xj xs rt t r fl tk jz suolk tdlqt. (200)
But do not depend upon using these full notes, as if you read the whole of your talk you will find that you lower your head over your papers and your voice will probably not carry well. It is BETTER to take out from these full notes, say, ten headings giving your principal points. Read through these headings a number of times, making sure that you can remember from the headings what you wish to SAY. Make quite certain that you know just what your opening remarks are to be. If you can open your talk easily and lightly you will find it simple to carry through to the end successfully. Do not use YOUR voice on too high a note: try to keep it a little lower than your usual speaking voice, and speak to the people at the back of the room. You can judge from the expression on their faces whether they are hearing you. 158 words (663)
e dx dpx pn ysg i fl xs s furdl vr tk ul fx iulr r hd uq r pps a r vs l ib x kr wl. ts be ttk t mi fl xs z tn hdgs gg r iwi py. rd e i hdgs a nb vtms mkg jr iuk rmb mhdgs o uj tz. mk k xsn iun jz o r png rmrs l tb. fuk pn r tk jl a cl ul fxt smi tkr e tx skof. dx ys r vs o t hy a x e tkpt a ll lrnr zu spg vs a sp t pi tbk v rm. uk jj mkwpc oo fo whhl rgu. (245)
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Exercise No. 7
The value of the passing moment—from our earliest days we are told by loving mothers and by our teachers that each golden minute is made up of sixty little seconds and that a minute lost is a minute GONE from us for ever. If, at the end of one flying minute, we can show “sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,” then, we are told, we shall become great men and women, ours “will be the earth and everything that is in it—.” But when we ARE children the days are long; an hour is not made up of sixty golden minutes—it is a lifetime in itself. Each day, we are quite sure, will be followed by another day, and all life is waiting for us, reaching away into the FAR, far future. As children we cannot cut up our day into so many seconds and minutes and hours; we do not measure time, and the words of our mothers and the lines in our copybooks hold no real meaning for us. 174 words (699)
h vlu v psg mmx ml rllz ds wl ct b lvg mhs a bl tus i c cgn mnt s y p vskst ll sky a i a mnt lz s a mnt gn ms q q. f tx vwn qg mnt wk j skst sky wrh vdzw rn hn wl ct wj bc at mn a wmn ls lbrh aqn is nt. e cwl clen h ds l ln a l sx y p vskst cgn mnts ts a lcm nts. c d wl k jr lb fld b nh d au lf s og qs rcg y ntfr fr fue. s clen wkx a p l d nt j mm sky a mnts als wdx mu tm aow v l mhs alw nl kpbks ch n rl mng qs. (284)
But there comes a day when we find that we have “grown up,” and life itself teaches us at once what we could not learn at school. We find that the days are passing all too QUICKLY, that our happiest hours are those which seem most short— and we learn, too, that our employers expect us to follow the rules of the old copybooks and to MAKE each minute hold sixty seconds’ worth of work well done. We find that in most worth-while work the time taken to do the work IS as important as the quality of the work itself, that there is a time for the completing of every piece of work, and that if the work is not ready at that time much of its value is lost. 131 words (522)
e ocs a d cwfx iwv an p a lf ts tcss tww o wax lrn t sa. wfx ids l psg u t kkl i l hpz ls l a csm mz xj a wlrn t i l mirs ksps tfllrls vuc kpbks a tmk c mnt ch skst sky wrh vwo wl dn. wfx i n mz wrh wl wo h tm tkn tdwo s s mp sklt v wo ts ios a tm q ig v q ps vwo a i fwo sx rd ti tm y v ts vlu s lz. (206)
The values of the second, the importance of the minute, are things, which are part of every shorthand writer’s experience. The man driving the train does not need his copybook to tell him of the value of the passing MOMENT. He cannot stop his train on the line and look at the beautiful countryside. The fireman working at his side must put coal on the great fire when the requirements of the engine call for it, not when he feels that he would like to do IT. A committee, asked to report on certain conditions, is expected to get out the report while those conditions still exist. A writer, trying to write a masterpiece on some special subject, must complete his work while there are people still INTERESTED in that subject. And right through life this rule holds good. Not only must we do the work, which is expected of us—we must do that work within the time expected also. Planning in industry has become one of the principal facts of our age. 174 words (776)
h vls v skx h mp v mnt l ns cl xpv q xjhx res ksprw. h mn evgen dsx nd s kpbk ttli v vlu v psg mmx. ikx zp s en oln a lk tbtf kxrsd. h frmn wog ts sd mz p kl oat fr crqry vnjn kl qt x cifls iiolk tdt. a ct k trxp o xsndo s ksp tt trxp wl a cdo zl got. a re eg trt a mops o sm sp sb mzi s wo wlol pi zl nese ni sb. a rt e lf e rl oh a. x nl mzw dwo cs ksp v s wmz di wo whntm ksp uj. ing n xwt s bc wnv iwi fas v l j. (294)
Almost all systems of planning for increased or better work have as their object the saving of seconds or minutes in the time taken to complete a certain operation. While this is a good thing in itself, there is a danger that, as with other GOOD things, it may be carried so far that it becomes a bad thing. The picture, Modern Times, shown a year or two ago, showed us an organization which provided the perfect example of planning carried too far. We saw the employees working at A great rate, each one making a particular movement thousands and thousands of times, without rest and without change. The little man who was the principal character of the story went through the movements which were expected of him over and over again, until at last he WENT out of his mind, and, to the great pleasure of all the other workers, was the cause of a great deal of trouble among the machines that afternoon. While all this was put before us lightly and easily, very few of us could watch it without thinking of the deeper side of the whole question. 192 words (854)
umz u szms ving q nkz r be wo v so bja h svg vsky r mnts ntm tkn tci a xsn prc. wl es a a n nts os a dnu i s c c a ns tmb krd j fr itbcs a i n. h pke mhn tms jn a r r t g jds a lgc civeprfa gsmi ving krd t fr. wjmis wog t a at rt c wn mkg a xpk mvx hhsy vtms we rz a we cnj. h ll m hziwi krk v zr wx emvy cr ksp vi uuq gn xl tlz iwx tvs mx a t at iu v uc wras zks v a at dl vei mnmjw i fenn. wl u e z p bfs cl ajl v fu v s a wct we hg v di sd vl kzn. (311)
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Exercise No. 8(a)
Gentlemen, We find it necessary to call your immediate attention to the very serious difference in the quality of goods recently supplied to US by your company. We are quite at a loss to understand this difference of quality as our relations with you over many years have been on SUCH a satisfactory basis. In order that you may yourselves test the quality of these goods we are returning to you today part of the LAST delivery, which you made to us. We feel that you will certainly agree that these goods are not of the quality we have a right to expect from you. 105 words (460)
jy wfxt nor tkl r mdt tnc t v srj dqw nklt vas rsxl sid ts brpn. wl k t a ls t xzx e dqw vklt s l rlo cu uq mm rs vn o sc a stsr bo. n rh ium ro tzklt vi as wl rtrng tu td xpv lz dlvr cuy ts. wfl iul xsnl aa i i as lx v klt wv a rt t ksp mu. (170)
This matter is one of great importance both from our point of view and from yours. As a direct result we have personally already had considerable trouble with OUR customers, and we are quite sure that any immediate profit you may make from putting out such poor quality goods will be very quickly off-set by a WIDE loss of trade throughout the country. We ourselves could not possibly continue to supply such goods to our customers. Will you kindly write to us at AN early date giving us your opinion of the returned goods and will you please supply goods of usual quality in place of those returned today? Yours truly, 111 words (509)
e me s wn vat mp bh ml px vvu a mrs. s a dra rqs wv prs urd dwdi ei cl kzys a wl k jr i n mdt ift um mk m pg t sc pr klt as lb v kkl f st b a wd ls ved etkxr. w lo ax pstnu tsi sc as t l kzys. lu kxl rt t s t a rll dt ggs r nn v rtrx as a lu is si as vzu klt n is va rtrx td, rs el (192)
Exercise No. 8(b)
Gentlemen, Your letter reached us this morning and although we have not yet seen the goods in question we are answering immediately. You will understand the DIFFICULTY of the position in which we find ourselves when we tell you that yours is the fifth letter of the kind to be received by us within the past FEW days. In no case has this company supplied the goods in question. Such goods carry our trademark and, on the face of it, COME from this company; but the real position is that they are being supplied by some other manufacturer—yet to be discovered—who is using our trademark. 107 words (482)
jy r le rus em auh wvx o snas n kzn wl nwg mdtl. ul xzxdf v psc nc wfxlo cwtlu i rs sffh le v kx tb rsq bs whnpz fu ds. n n ks se cpn sidas n kzn. sc as kr l edmrk aofs v t c mepn erl psc s ihl bg sid b sm c mnfr o tb dkq hs ysg l edm. (168)
When we received the first letter stating that the quality of our goods had changed we looked into the matter and found that no order had been received by us from that COMPANY. We immediately sent a representative to find out the facts at first hand. He found, as he has since found in further cases, that the goods DELIVERED look in every way like those which we ourselves manufacture and that they carry our special trademark. It appears that a young man, stating that he is one of OUR representatives, calls upon a customer, offers very quick delivery and special low prices in return for payment on delivery of goods. 111 words (511)
cwrsqz le ztg iklt v l as d cnu wla ntme a fx i n rh dn rsq bs mipn. w mdtl sx a rpv tfx tfas t z hx. ifx sis sw fx n frh ko ias dlq lk n q w lk a cw lo mnf a ihkr l spu edm. tprs i a yn mn ztg iis wnv l rpvs kls pn a kzy oqs v kk dlvr a spu l io n rtrn q pmx o dlvr vas. (190)
In the four cases we have looked into within the last day or two this has been the method followed, and you will probably report the same method in your own case. Moreover, the list of SPECIAL prices shown to a customer was written on what appeared to be our letter paper. Our customer saw nothing strange in the offer, as you will remember that we made a special OFFER of this kind about this time last year. Perhaps you will be good enough to write to us, informing us of the date on which you were offered the goods, the date on which delivery was MADE, the price paid for the goods, and if possible at the same time give us a few details regarding the young man who called. The matter has, of course, been placed in official hands. 141 words (595)
nfr ko wv la nt whnlz d r t esnmhd fld a ul ib rxpsm mhd nrn ks. mrq h lz vspu io jn t a kzy z xn oo xp tb l le pp. l kzy j nhn onj noq sul rmb iwy a spu oq ve kx iw e tm lz r. ips ulb a nf trt t s nfgs v dt oc ur xfas h dt oc dlvr z y h is pd qas af ps tsym gs a fu dtls rxggyn mn hck. h me s vkrs bn iz n fu hy. (218)
We are today sending out a letter to all the customers on our books calling their attention to this matter and asking them to report to the authorities if they have goods on order for delivery within the NEXT few days. We do not expect to get results in this way, however, as the manufacturer of the goods would depend upon quick action for the success of his plan, and he will no doubt by now be interesting himself in QUITE a different line of goods. We do not wish you to experience any personal loss and we will supply you with goods to take the place of those in question. No doubt you will in your turn supply your CUSTOMERS with the new goods in place of the poor quality goods bought from you. We know that you will understand our very difficult position, and we trust that you will not let the matter influence you in any way against this company. Yours truly, 165 words (705)
wl td sxg t a le t ukzys ol bks klg o tnc te me akgh trxp tuhts fhv as o rh q dlvr whnnz fu ds. wdx ksp tt ros ne w wq smnfr v as o dpx pn kk kjn qsko vs in a il new b w b nezgis n k a dqx ln vas. wdx ju t ksprw n prs ls a wl siu c as ttkis va n kzn. new ul nr trn si r kzys cnu as n is v pr klt as bt mu. wn iul xzx l v dfa psc awez iulx cme nqwu n n w gyepn. rs el (259)
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Exercise No. 9
“Keep that school-girl—:” we can all supply the missing word*, for we have become so used to seeing and hearing this and other expressions that they have become part of our everyday life. Advertising is an art to which some of the best minds of the country are GIVEN. It is an art which plays an increasingly important part in modern life bringing the seller and the buyer into more and more immediate touch one with the other. Day by day advertisements speak to us with a powerful voice, a voice which we cannot help HEARING, a voice from which we could not free ourselves if we wished. Along the roads, along the railway lines, in most of our reading matter, between the acts of the play— everywhere and from all quarters the voice comes to us. Few places are now so DISTANT that they are out of reach of the influence of the advertisement. For good or for bad, advertising is with us and is likely to continue to be with us. We cannot free ourselves of it: it would be useless to attempt to do so, and for the most part we do not wish to. 199 words (843) *Missing word is ‘complexion’
kp i sa grl wk u simsg xw qwv bc j yz tsg a rge ac kwpo ihv bc xpv l qd lf. dvtg s a x tc smv bz my v kxr l g. ts a x cis a nksgl mp xp n mhn lf ingslr abr nt mmr mdt tc wn cc. d b d dvts sp t s c a prf vs a vs cwkx lp rg a vs mc wax flo fwwu. lnrds lnrlw lw n mz v l rdg me iwnas v i qwr a m u kres h vs cs t s. fu io l w j dzx ihl tvrc vnqw vdvt. q a r q i dvtg s cs as lkl tcnu tb cs. wkx flo v t. tob ysls t ty td j a qmz xp wdx j t. (301)
From advertisement we may learn much about the forces which move men. The advertisement copy-writer, understanding these forces, knowing the desires which influence the masses, uses his knowledge to get our ATTENTION, to hold our interest, to touch our hearts. He offers to waiting men and women just those things which they most desire. The beautiful woman is told how she may continue to be beautiful; the WOMAN who has never been beautiful is told how she can become beautiful. The strong man is told how he may keep strong and young, while the less able man is shown how he may add to his powers. We are SHOWN how we can make more money, how from being an employee we can become an employer. We can, we learn, easily buy a house of our own, and, having bought the house, put into it beautiful and lasting things. 148 words (669)
m dvt wm lrn y iwfro cmv mn. h dvt kp re xzxg i fro ngdsrs cnqwmo yo s nlj tt l tnc tch l nez ttc l oh. ioqs tog mwmn jz a ns ch mz dsr. h btf wmn s ct w jmtnu tb btf h wmn hs nqn btf s ct w jk bc btf. h on mn s ct w im kp on a yn wlls bl mn s jn w im d ts prs. wl jn w wk mk mr mn w m bg a mi wk bc a mir. wk wlrn jl b a hs v ln a vg bths p ntt btf a lzg ns. (248)
Nor does the copy-writer stop here. He plays upon our fear of the future. Plans for insurance are put before us, insurance to help us while we live and insurance to make sure that should we die those who depend upon US will not be left without means. From advertisements we learn details about cars, about labor-saving machines, about books, and about all the other many interests of modern life. Some people read these advertisements with MORE belief and with more interest than others, but few of us could say that we pay no attention whatever to them. It is not surprising that the good copy-writer should be considered a most valuable employee in the advertising office. Wide and GENERAL advertising has its advantages for the public. It provides us with the opportunity to weigh up the good points and the bad points of different products. We can form judgments upon what is offered to us and make up our minds as to what we will buy. 167 words (773)
nr dskp re zp r. iis pnl fr v fue. iw q njrw l p bfs njrw tlps wlwlv anjrw tmk jr i iw d a hdpx pns lxb lc we mw. m dvts wlrn dtls iw krs iw li svg mjw iw bks aiw uc mm nee vmhn lf. sm pi rd i dvts c mr blf a c mr nez hn cs e fu v s a z iwp n tnc oq th. tsx sisg ia kp re ibyd a mz vlui mi ndvtg fs. wd a jn dvtg s ts dvs qpb. tivdss cxpt tw pa py ai py vdqx idas. wkf jjy pnos xf t s a mk p l my s to wl b. (289)
Without advertising it is probable that, because we knew little of what was in the market, we would as a rule be offered that particular product which gave the biggest profit to the SELLER. But, as we all know, the good thing becomes a bad thing when it is overdone, and this attempt on the part of each manufacturer to be most in the public eye has led to advertisements appearing in what most people FEEL to be the wrong places. We see great boards set up in a lovely countryside, for example, or in an otherwise pleasing little street. For this reason the movement that has as its OBJECT the control of advertising in public places, so that the restfulness of the country or the orderly quality of a town is not taken away, is a movement which should have the support of all thinking people. 147 words (648)
we dvtg ts ib i kswnu ll voz nmra wo s a rl b xf i xpk ida cgvbgz ift t slr. e sw u n h a n bcs a i n cts udn a e ty oxpv c mnfr tb mz npb y s ld t dvts prg no mz pi fl tbrn io. ws at ob st p n a lvl kxrsd qgs r n a cws isg ll yt. qe rsn h mvx is s ts bja h cel v dvtg n pb io jirzfo v kxr rrhl klt v a tn sx tkn y s a mvx civsxp v u hg pi. (234)
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Exercise No. 10
Advertisements, we all agree, are sometimes too much with us. But we are agreed also that they play an important and valuable part in modern life, offering us some very real ADVANTAGES. Not the least of these advantages is the fact that through advertisements a very large part of our cheap reading matter is made possible. We do not need to be told that the money which we HAND to the newsboy in the street does not cover the cost of bringing out the paper we receive in return. Much labor, thought, and material have gone to the making of the paper; much money has BEEN spent in order to provide us with that interesting and up-to-the-minute news service which we have grown to expect and which we take as a natural part of our life. 136 words. (600)
dvts w u aa l syms ty cs. e wl xg uj ihi a mp a vlui xp n mhn lf oqgs sm v rl dvs. xlj vi dvs sfa i e dvts a v lrj xpv l cp rdg me s y ps. wdx nd tb ct imn cwhx t nsb nyt dsx kqkz ving tpp wrsv n rtrn. y li t a mel v gn t mkg v pp y mn sn spx xn ivds ci nezg a p t mnt nus srvs cwv an t ksp a cwtk s a nel xpv l lf. (219)
The very low price of the newspaper, delivered to our house early in the morning or bought by us at the station as we go home at night, would not be possible were it not for the money received by the newspaper owners for the advertisements which take up so large a part of the paper each DAY. A manufacturer will pay heavily for a full-page advertisement of his products, or for the smaller advertisement appearing side by side with the principal news of the day. Most weekly and monthly papers also depend for their existence upon the INCOME received from the advertisements they carry, so that as a direct result of wide and general advertising more daily, weekly and monthly papers can be published. Of course, some people regard the ready supply of cheap reading matter as the PRINCIPAL cause of many of our present-day troubles and difficulties; others go even further and find the cause in the fact that in these days we all learn to read and to write—but the readers of this page will not, I think, be numbered among those who hold such views. 190 words (862)
h v l is v nspp dlq t l hs rll n m r bt bs tzc swg m t xy oxb ps rtx qmn rsq bnspps uxs qdvts ctk p j lrj a xpv pp c d. a mnfr l p hvl q a fl pj dvt vs idas r qsmr dvt prg ssd ciwi nus v d. mz wkl a mnhl pps uj dpx qo gotw pnnkm rsq mdvts hkr j i s a dra rqs vwd a jn dvtg mr dl wkl a mnhl pps kb pbu. vkrs sm pi rxgrd si vcp rdg me siwi ks vmm v l isx d eis a dfs cs g vn frh a fxks n fa i ni ds w u lrn trd a trt erhs ve pj lx yh b nmi mna hch sc vs. (317)
This mass of cheap reading matter provides us with the means of following our own particular interests and keeping in touch with developments in different fields of work and play. We do not pay DIRECTLY in the cost of the paper. We perhaps pay finally and less directly in the increased cost of the goods, which have been so advertised, although the manufacturer says that this is not so as the advertising increases the amount of goods he SELLS and so makes it possible for him to sell at a lower price. Many big stores have, through newspaper advertising, built up a highly valuable and profitable connection in all parts of the country. At one TIME city people agreed without question that country people were “behind the times,” they were out of touch with things, and the goods they bought both for the home and for personal use were bought from small and out-of-date stores. 155 words (726)
e ms vcp rdg me ivdss cmw vfllg ln xpk nee a kpg n tc c dvlpy n dqx of vwo a i. wdx p dral nkz v pp. w ips p fyx a ls dral nnkz kz v as cvn j dvt uhmnfr zs iesx j sdvtg nkomx vas isls a j mkst ps qi tsl t a lr is. mm bg zrs v e nspp dvtg cb p a hyl vlui a iftikc n u op v kxr. t wxm st pi xg we kzn i kxr pi r bhxtms hr tvtc c ns aas hbt bh qm a q prs ys r bt m sml atvdt zrs. (267)
But newspaper advertising has changed this. The big stores are no longer dependent for their customers upon the people living within easy reach of them—their customers may LIVE hundreds of miles away from the store. City people and country people now have equal opportunities for buying goods of high quality at reasonable prices. It is true that the city PEOPLE can first see what they are buying, but the country people have learned that they can order goods from these stores with safety, and such goods are delivered direct to their doors, in most cases WITHOUT a delivery charge. As a result of this general advertising people in different parts of the country can buy the same goods at the same prices and can make equal use of the products of industry. 133 words (628)
e nspp dvtg s cnue. h bg zrs l n lna dpxx qo kzys pnpi lvg whn j rc vh o kzys m lv hnes vmls mzr. st pi a kxr pi w v kl xpts q bg as vhy klt t rsni io. ts e ist pi k z s o hl bg ekxr pi v lrx ihk rh as mi zrs c sft a sc as l dlq dra to drs n mz ko we a dlvr crj. qs ve jn dvtg pi n dqx opv kxr k bsm as tsm io a k mk kl ys v idas v xwt. (234)
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